Friday, January 6, 2012

THREE OF US, WE ARE THE PAIR -behind the scenes 2011

So, this are some pics of a year of the blog, but not the serious ones. We are not as serious as it appears in the posts. We have a lot of fun when we go shooting. I am never bored with Erik and Niko. With Erik shooting is always about the light. So in summer we wait till the sun goes down, because the light is too strong. In winter we always run to catch the light. And Niko is always behind Erik suggesting him how to do this and how to do that or how not to do this or that. Sometimes, they end up having an artistic argument about the concept of the photos while I stand there and watch the last shine of the sun go down.
And we are so purely organized that we never have catering with us (as we call food on photoshootings), so we are always hungry, especialy Niko.
But that is just how we do it.

Photos: Erik, Nikolina


  1. kej uno ogromno rdece uho na predpredzadnji fotki je moje?

  2. kolk lpu ste napisale! za crknt smesno! :)

  3. Haha, Irena, bolj tragi-komično!

  4. hehe, opet Nikolina i njezina Glad...Preslatki ste :) ova prva fotka je baš horor!!!

  5. Ah, gospođa Glad je uvijek prisutna :)

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